Create Your Own
Lifestyle Freedom Day
Supporting both Canadian and American investors for over 10 years, Keyspire is the savvy investors’ number one source for their real estate investing progress.
From our free content and resources to our customized one-on-one coaching programs, the Keyspire Team has created something for all levels.
Welcome to Keyspire, you won't be disappointed.
Different people have different needs. We've got a solution for you.

Renter to Homeowner
You are renting and ready to level-up your assets and buy your first (or next) home. You have little experience and can't afford to make costly mistakes. You are willing to invest the time for some additional earned income and a bigger future.

Homeowner to Investor
You own your home and are ready to increase your income and grow your wealth with one or more Income Properties. You are willing to work part-time on your real estate business to earn a mix of active and passive income.

Investor to Business Owner
You are already a real estate investor and it's time to get into high-gear and expand your business and your income. You are ready to work full-time on your business for massive results.
Systems Developed
For Your Success
Invest Where Returns Are BestTM
Real estate investing is all about the numbers. We teach you how to focus on markets where the numbers show the best returns to maximize your return-on-time invested in this business. No longer will you be a prisoner of a 'Hot Market'.
The 3-Investing StreamsTM
We focus on not one, but three different and complementary investing streams. These work together to make a diversified income and growth portfolio allowing you to reach your Lifestyle Freedom Day as quickly as possible.
The 4 Ways To WinTM
There is more than one way to win in real estate. When investors understand and apply The 4 Ways to Win™ methodology, they both reduce risk and remove emotion from the investment process.
The Power of Taking Action
Follow Our Journey
It was September 2000; two guys in University were living on their own for the first time. Like most University students, they found a house to rent with some friends and the five of them moved in.
They learned very quickly about the new expenses that they’ve never had before, and since their student loans were going directly to rent, they had to get better-paying jobs to pay for tuition and living expenses. So they got jobs as waiters at a nearby restaurant to cover the bills but realized that they were adding nothing to savings...

CLIENT Success Path
Phase 1: Information
Michael and Scott are obsessed with adding value first.
This is why they offer a ton of FREE content and support for Real Estate Investors, outlined in this INFORMATION section. They want to add value to you first, before you ever invest in any of our Keyspire training programs.
At Keyspire we know that once you experience the horsepower we can deliver to your investing activity for FREE, you will be ready to join our client base and accelerate your results.
Phase 2: Education
Our founders Michael Sarracini and Scott McGillivray believe continued learning is the key to a successful business and a fulfilling life. At Keyspire, your education includes a combination of live and online learning specifically designed by using previous client success for your future results. You chose your path, investment level and learning style.
Phase 3: Implementation
Time to put your information and education into action. Our Implementation Phase is all about DOING! Taking action, getting results, making it happen. In this phase you will work hard, get out of your comfort zone and really add fuel to your fire. Your business will grow, your connections will explode and your confidence will soar.
Phase 4: Customization
We recognize that every investor is different. In our coaching program you will work closely with our team to understand your income and lifestyle goals, your working capital and your appetite for risk. This is to ensure that every coaching client receives an experience that is tailored to their needs. Our real estate coaching professionals consider the dynamics that influence your specific needs when creating your personal Real Estate Investing playbook.
During your application process our team will assess your needs, goals and skills and create a custom coaching program for you.