Keyspire Personal Coaching
Systems Developed For Your Success
You coach will use the proprietary Keyspire tools and systems to accelerate your Results

Invest Where Returns Are Best™
Real estate investing is all about the numbers. We teach you how to focus on markets where the numbers show the best returns to maximize your time invested in this business. No longer will you be a prisoner of a 'Hot Market'.

The 3-Investing Streams™
We focus on not one, but three different and complimentary investing streams. These work together to make a diversified income and growth portfolio allowing you to reach your Lifestyle Freedom Day as quickly as possible.

The 4 Ways To Win™
There is more than one way to win in real estate. When investors understand and apply the 4 ways to win Methodology, they both reduce risk and remove emotion from the investment process.
One-on-One Coaching Program
Up to 12 Month Intensive One-on-One Coaching Program
Pricing Varies per Program
Contact us to apply for our coaching program and our team will discuss your needs to create a custom program for you

Real People. Real Results.
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It all started from taking Michael Sarracini and Rae Ostrander’s three day Keyspire Workshop, so many ideas, tools and strategies filled my head. Learning how to be in my “Performance Zone” is a truly amazing feeling. From the workshop, I implemented at least five of the many strategies I learned in the first year. I can honestly say that for the first time, my investments are truly working as hard as I am. My “why”, to retire sooner rather than later and help as many people I can along the way, will be realized way sooner than expected.Thank you, Keyspire! I owe everyone a huge thanks!
Very informative conference in Ottawa given by Scott this weekend, I came in place of my dad who had to work this weekend and drove my mom, but ended up learning so much about real estate and how it can benefit me in the long term. Mom and I will be attending the course now this fall and are very excited to do so! I’m particularly excited to build my investment portfolio now that I am young and hope to use this conference on real estate to my benefit within the next few years. Thanks Scott!
I really enjoyed the event I attended today in Toronto. I felt that Scott & his team were very genuine, they really did want to educate and help people build their net worth through real estate investing. The seminar was a combination of facts & statistics, tips & tricks, real life case studies, and general real estate knowledge all delivered by Scott McGillivray himself. I thoroughly enjoyed the seminar and thought it was a great stepping-stone into real estate investment.
I attended the free seminar in Edmonton yesterday, Nov. 2nd. Scott is such a wonderful speaker, very positive and encouraging. Even if I wasn’t feeling well I was able to focus on his positive advice. I want to buy more rental properties in the very near future.I got my husband to sign up for the 3 Day Workshop in January 2015. Awesome day!
The education received, the events and networking opportunities are top notch. I never pressured do buy anything but rather educated on options I never knew existed. Michael and Scott are very humble & great men who lead by example. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! My wife took me on a valentine date to the Wealth Tour and since then we have completely turned our finances around. We sold a under-performing property and restructured our finances so that we could live the life we desired. Thanks for the guidance and we are grateful for our Keyspire family!!
I believe Keyspire has the knowledge needed to help grow your rental income business! They take feedback very positively, and correct or improve on that information. I believe in Keyspire whole heartedly, from someone who knew nothing but believes they will bring me to the top. The KEY is that I follow all their instructions and take that leap of faith knowing I can trust in their company.